Email: rossanobmaniscalchi@gmail.com
About Rossano B. Maniscalchi
Images and creating them has obsessed Rossano for more than thirty years. His art first blossomed as a photographer, and he won international acclaim for his art, fashion and glamour photography that has been exhibited around the world. One fateful encounter channeled his creative energy in a new direction when Fred Sweet, director of the renowned La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival, urged him to apply his creative talent to film. His first film, “Cocoon Redux” was selected for the La Jolla Festival in 2017.
As a highly acclaimed photographer and film maker (globally ranked in the top 100) Rossano B. Maniscalchi has worked with many high profile fashion brands, and his commercial work is limited to specifically chosen high calibre brands.
His work has always been outstanding, whether in the field of portraiture, art, still life, fashion, culture, beauty and glamour photography, or in advertising and in his work with celebrities such as
- Barack Obama,
- Tilda Swinton,
- Michelangelo Antonioni,
- Prince (now King) Charles,
- Arnold Schwarzenegger,
- Wim Wenders,
- Arnaldo Pomodoro,
- Susan Sontag,
- Ray Manzarek (The Doors),
- Mikhail Gorbachev,
- Salman Rushdie,
- Andrea Bocelli,
- Rita Levi Montalcini,
- Milos Forman
….just to name a few.
As photographer and filmmaker he has collaborated in advertising campaigns for Ferragamo Shoes, Sunglasses by Armani, Cartier, Ungaro, Gap, Guess, Limited, Stefanel, Max Mara, Calvin Klein Shoes, Levi’s, Role and Mercedes Benz.
Rossano has a studio in the city of his birth, Florence, Italy. His work takes him to Florida, California, New York and throughout Europe for promotional campaigns.
Maniscalchi has a definitive signature style. He communicates a unique personal message and perspective in his work. His many years of creativity for well known fashion salons and advertising agencies combined with still life, portraiture, fine art and sculpture, have all influenced and developed his modus operandi.
Maniscalchi’s extensive portfolio has been exhibited extensively at art galleries and museums throughout the United States, Europe and Asia. His work continues to maintain important global recognition and his published books have been major sellouts.
In 2017 his work “Cocoon Redux” already received nominations and awards at international film festivals.
In 2018 “Touch Me” premiered at the La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival and received an award for “Best Supporting Role for a Fashion Brand”. This film eventually won awards at several film festivals.
Perhaps his breakthrough film was “Denying Beauty” in 2019 when he was honored as “Best Director” and the film as “Best Makeup” in La Jolla and won other awards at international film festivals.
“Anyway” (2020) had immediate success at La Jolla for “Best Cinematography” and has continued to win acclaim at international film festivals as late as 2022.
In 2021, “In the Ring” marked Maniscalchi’s first use of voice narration as a crucial element enhancing the mood created by his images. Several selections and awards at international film festivals attest to it’s success.
In 2022, Rossano created a biographic documentary of highly acclaimed jeweler Ara Ghazaryan. In just over 6 minutes and with the skillful use of voice narration, he created a masterpiece, “The Key to Heaven”, that won an award for Best Narration at the La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival and has won several other awards, including especially in Cannes, France at the Global Short Film Awards for “Best Film”.
The film “Beyond” (2023) represents a further step in his journey as a creative filmmaker and director. This film, essentially semi-autobiographical, captures the tension between his profession and his longing for a meaningful relationship. “Beyond” has also received international acclaim, especially in Cannes, France at the Global Short Film Awards for “Best Film”, “Best Director” and “Best Fashion and Beauty Film”.
Maniscalchi opened the year 2024 with “It’s Not Dark Yet”, his first major effort in treating socially relevant themes. It has been recognized for excellence by international film festivals and so far has won awards at Los Angeles, Toronto and Bucharest.
“Nexus”, a cinematographic documentary of fashion entrepreneur Lorenza Desiata, premiered in December 2024.